Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Perspective On Nursing Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Perspective On Nursing. Answer: Theories are defined as set of concepts that are interrelated to provide a systematic and purposive view of a predictive or explanatory a phenomenon. Theories are made up of models, concepts, propositions, definitions an assumptions. They are always delivered using two key methods which include inductive and deductive reasoning.Nursing theories make use of logical structure of hypotheses and ideas that are applicable to different circumstances encountered innursing practice (Smith Liehr, 2013). The theoretical structures utilized in nursing theories form the basis for patient care,nursing practice, education, development of nursing profession, nursing research and decision-making in administrative nursing (Moran, Burson, Conrad, 2016). This essay will focus on theory-guided nursing practice, its importance and applicability. It will also focus on personal theoretical perspective of nursing in relation to concepts of health, nursing, environment and person and their impacts onnursing practice (Butts Rich, 2013). Nursing theory provides a perspective of viewing the situation of client, a way of coordinating and organizing various bits of data into daily care of the client and a manner of analyzing and interpreting patient information in order to implement appropriate care (Broadbent, 2014). A theoretical perspective gives the nurses an allowance of effective planning and implementing health care proactively and purposely. Systematic and purposeful nursing practice ensures efficiency in health care and effective communication amongst nurses. It also gives nurses the ability to control and evaluate the outcome of their nursing care to the patients (Broadbent, 2014). In our practice as nurses, we have a couple of theories that are all applicable and importance in nursing practice but different nurses are guided by different theories. For me am guided by Virginia Hendersons Need Theory. This theory is based on her education and practice. Her theory puts emphasis on importance of making the patient more independent and promotion of continued healing of the patient even after hospitalization in a health care system. Virginias definition of nursing clearly differentiates nursing from medicine (Butts Rich, s2013).According to Virginia Henderson, the unique role of a nurse involves assisting an individual, well or sick in performance of activities that promote recovery. According to this theory, the nurse should assist the patient to perform activities unaided if willing, strong and knowledgeable enough to do so (Smith Parker, 2015). I choose Virginia Hendersons theory because it focuses on fourteen basic needs of the patient that forms the basis of nursing care. This theory has unique characteristics which are important in nursing care. They include interrelation of concepts such as biophysiology, interaction, basic human needs and communication (Ahtisham Jacoline, 2015). Secondly, it is simple and applicable to health care of all individuals irrespective of age and it forms a basis for testable hypotheses (Butts Rich, 2013). Thirdly, this theory provides a logical definition and a list of components that acts as a guide for a nurse and individual in achieving set health goals. Additionally, it helps in improvement of general knowledge in the nursing profession and its ideas regarding nursing practice are acceptable and can be applied by practitioners for guidance and improvement of their practice in provision of health care. It also coordinates with other theories such as Maslows theory of motivation to provide quality care to patients hence ensuring their satisfaction (Ahtisham Jacoline, 2015). This theory guides me in my nursing practice as it enlists some of the key needs of a patient in health care that I should satisfy in patient care. This helps me to prioritize patients needs hence promoting health improvement. According to Virginia, some of the basic components health care in a patient include normal breathing, adequate drinking and eating, proper elimination of waste materials form the body, proper movement and maintenance of desirable gait and postures. Other needs include adequate rest and sleep, suitable clothing, maintenance of body vitals within normal ranges, general body cleanliness and protection against integumentary injuries (Ahtisham Jacoline, 2015). Other additional needs highlighted in this theory include avoidance of environmental dangers, avoidance of injuries to others, effective communication in expression of feelings, opinions, fears and needs, respect for ones culture and religion and working towards accomplishment (Waller-Wise, 2013). Lastly, Virginias theory allows patient participation in recreational programs and learn, satisfy the curiosity leading to normal health development. This theory incorporates the four major concepts of nursing which play a key role in guiding nursing practice. These include, individual, health, environment and nursing (Ahtisham Jacoline, 2015). Virginia Hendersons Needs Theory impacts positively in my nursing practice. It gives guidance on some of parameters or aspect to focus on when providing health care to patients. It helps me to prioritize the special needs of the patient which needs to be addressed first. For instance, food, water and air. As a nurse, this theory tells me that patients breathing is a priority in health care. I should ensure that the patient has normal elimination patterns and incase of any abnormalities, I should implement appropriate measures to restore the elimination patterns to normal (Waller-Wise, 2013) This theory guides me showing respect for patients cultural and religious beliefs and norms. Health care should focus on all aspects of life of the patient, whether economic, spiritual or social all are important as far as the patients dignity and respect is concerned (Gottlieb, 2012). This theory shows that I should incorporate health, nursing, person and environment concepts in my nursing practice since all of them are important for provision of holistic and client-centered health care. As a nurse, I should employ techniques and strategies of preventing environmental injuries to the patient and to the others (Gottlieb, 2012).These injuries impacts negatively on the health of the patient. Health in directly influenced by the external and internal environment. Therefore, when providing nursing care to the patients, I should consider their environment which is critical in promotion of healing (Ahtisham Jacoline, 2015). Based on this theory, communication is very important in expression of opinions, feelings, fears and making decisions. Patient should fully be involved in each and every decision made or step taken regarding his or her care. This theory guides my practice as a nurse since it focuses on maintenance of patients vital signs at their normal ranges. As a nurse, I am guided by this theory to apply and implement appropriate techniques to manage variations in vital signs in a patient. For instance, in reduced body temperature less than 35.0 centigrade I should keep the patient warm to ensure the temperature returns to a normal (Gottlieb, 2012). Based on my own perspective, nurses are responsible for the public to offer holistic, safe and client-centered health care. Nurses have a clear understanding that individual patients should be provided with individualized care and attention. Nurses utilize clinical judgement to meet the requirements and needs of individual patients. Nurses we are patient advocates, therefore we should empower them by urging them to be active in maintaining their health and engaging in mutual setting of goals concerning their health. Nurses are knowledgeable to maintain patients privacy and confidentiality and educating them and their relatives on medical conditions, modes of treatment and healthy lifestyle which improves their health outcomes (Stevens, 2013). Nurses strive to have positive and healthy behavioral patterns in their lives believing that they will provide quality nursing care to other individuals if they can care for themselves first. Generally, nurses should be role models to others as far as health is concerned. This promotes development trust between nurses and patients in provision of health care. Nursing profession is dynamic, therefore nurses should be committed to be at par with the current skills and knowledge by seeking self-enhancement via perpetual learning (Stevens, 2013). Doing this, will help us to be dynamic in our beliefs and demonstrate professional evolution through technological advancements and application of evidence-based practice in nursing practice (Stevens, 2013). As a nurse, I keep on learning from journals, textbooks and interactions with health care professionals and involving myself in experiences involving patients and their relatives for improvement of skills and knowledge. Some of my beliefs and values are honesty, kindness, security, daily and lifelong learning, family, persistence and success in achievement of my set goals. I utilize these beliefs and values in making decisions regarding my nursing profession. It is my belief that nursing is all about knowledge, care and integrity. Nursing focuses needs of the patient, healing, safety and empowerment. I have a strong feeling that my personal theory and professional theories of nursing are congruent since my core values and beliefs are at par with the core values of nursing (Shahriari, Mohammadi, Abbaszadeh Bahrami, 2013). My personal theory of nursing developed from several articulations, assumptions and concepts. First, I made an articulation of my own beliefs and values about nursing which gave me a reflection of my professionalism as a nurse. Secondly, I critically thought about nursing practice and took down actual patient care, interactions and experiences with the patients, relatives and health care professionals including nursing peers and management. Thirdly, I critically examined different clinical narratives to fully orient myself on what happens with philosophical values, beliefs and assumptions regarding the four concepts of nursing metaparadigm (health, nursing, environment and person). Based on this, I was able to construct my personal theory of nursing and its own values and beliefs towards nursing. . This theory provides a connection between me and the values and beliefs that compelled me to nursing profession. It has strengthened my attitude, knowledge and skills on nursing profession. This theory has acted as a fuel to drive me toward action which is required in nursing practice. It has also helped me be more emotionally and mentally connected to work for betterment of patient health. Additionally, it has helped me in overcoming demands such as long working hours and constantly flowing work that is physically challenging. This theory has uncovered my passion for nursing. Based on all this, I can generally say that defining own theory of nursing has positively impacted on my actual performance as far as nursing is concerned (Smith Liehr, 2013). It has helped me apply the aspects of care, compassion, competency, communication, courage and commitment when proving nursing care to different patients with different medical conditions. This makes me work with confidence and feel that a better than I was yesterday and hopes to more better tomorrow. This has helped me monitor and make a reflection on my actions in order to verify whether am doing the right thing as per the core values of nursing practice (Shahriari, Mohammadi, Abbaszadeh Bahrami, 2013). My personal theory of nursing has opened my mind and I have realized my roles as a nurse. Some of my roles include patient advocate, patient educator and a communication. As a nurse, am able to communicate patients information in a manner that is understandable to all health care professionals involved in provision of care to the patient (Stevens, 2013). I have learn to protect patients rights by maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the information obtained from the patients. It has impacted on my application of my knowledge on cultural diversity in management of patients from different cultures showing respect and dignity despite to their norms and beliefs (Dyess, Boykin Bulfin, 2013). Based on my own theory of nursing, the concepts of health, environment, person and nursing are all incorporated for quality nursing outcome. The quality of care of care provided by nurses is largely influenced by these concepts in different ways. All these concepts are related in different ways as far as health outcome is concerned. The four concepts are collectively known as metaparadigm of nursing. Person is regarded as the receiver of care. When dealing with a person, a nurse a role to nurture and empower him or her towards management of their health to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Nurses should make it clear to the patients that someone really cares about their well-being and health (McCormack McCance, 2016) Health refers to the level of wellness of a person and his or her accessibility to heath care. Health comprises of mental, spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of a persons life. Health is influenced by both external and internal factors of the environment (McCormack McCance, 2016).For instance poor or unfavorable environmental factors leads to poor health of an individual which necessitates them to seek nursing care to restore their health back to normal. Environment is defined as everything around a person that influences his or her illness or recovery. In this instance, environment includes geographical location of person, mental state, personal and interpersonal relationships and culture. It is good for an individual to be located in an environment favorable to his or her health and recovery from illness (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco Hanson, 2014). Nursing is the last metaparadigm which involves application of knowledge and specialized skills that are acquired by an individual to qualify to be a nurse. Some of these requirements include knowledge, skills and hands-on techniques of nursing care (McCrae, 2012). In application of these nursing skills and knowledge, nurses must show commitment, compassion, care, courage, communication and competency (Morton, Fontaine, Hudak Gallo, 2017). Lack of these aspects lead to detrimental impacts on persons health and recovery form illness. Therefore these concepts are all interrelated. The outcome of one concept depends on the other (Grove, Burns Gray, 2012). Theory guided-nursing practice plays a very great role in nursing practice. In nursing practice, the purposes of theories include assisting nursing in describing, explaining and predicting daily experiences, guiding assessments, implementations and evaluations of nursing practice. Theories gives rationales for collection of valid and reliable data from patients, which is important in effective planning, decision-making process and implementation of nursing interventions. They help in description of criteria for measuring the quality and outcome of nursing care (Dossey, Certificate, Keegan Co-Director International Nurse Coach Association, 2012 Nursing theories are useful in establishment of common terminologies in nursing for use in communication amongst themselves and other health care professionals (Dyess, Boykin Bulfin, 2013). Additionally, theories are important in development of ideas and definition of words and concepts. Nursing theories are used in explanation of various nursing phenomenon and their applicability in nursing practice. They act as the foundation of nursing care by helping in generation of more knowledge in nursing. Theories give a direction for development of nursing profession (Dossey, Certificate, Keegan Co-Director International Nurse Coach Association, 2012). Theories concerning creation of an effective environment or workplace, effective communication and designing of working schedules shows care and concern for nurses so that they can provide better health care to clients. Decisions made regarding accountability, rewards and compensation impact on nursing practice based on the theory of personal job satisfaction (Alligood, 2014).Continued training for nurses improves their knowledge and competency in provision of health care. Nursing theories makes it possible to distinguish what forms the foundation of nursing by explicitly giving a description of nursing (McCrae, 2012). They promote quality nursing care, enhance the status of professionalism among nurses, enhance communication among nurses and give guidance for nursing education and research (Masters, 2015). Theories encourage multi-disciplinary health care among patients and enhance autonomy of nursing profession by clearly defining the independent roles of nurses in the care of patients (Masters, 2015).Concerning nursing research, theories provide a framework of knowledge generation in nursing profession. They promote discovery of knowledge gaps in various fields of study in nursing (Munhall, 2012). Theories in nursing profession are primarily meant to enhance improvement in nursing practice by positively influencing health care provided to different clients (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco Hanson, 2014).It is a reciprocation, theory is the basis for development of nursing practice. Practice theory is regarded as the future of nursing profession since they provide tips and information on efficient and effective ways of proving holistic care to patients hence improved outcome (Grove, Burns Gray, 2012). Nursing theories provide a systematic view of nursing phenomenon. They are composed of assumptions, definitions, propositions, models and concepts which are very applicable in nursing profession. Virginia Hendersons Needs Theory is very useful in nursing as it clearly defines the role of a nurse and distinguishes nursing from medicine. It highlights the fourteen basic needs of a patient in healthcare. Some of these needs include normal breathing, normal elimination and normal vital signs. It highlights adequate eating and drinking, communication, respect for patients culture and religion. It also focuses on the four metaparadigm of nursing (Smith Parker, 2015). The concepts include nursing, person, health and environment. These concepts are related in different ways. Nursing theories can be applied in nursing research, nursing education and nursing practice (Moran, Burson Conrad, 2016).Some of the core value and beliefs on nursing include integrity, care and knowledge. My beliefs about nursing is that nurses are knowledgeable, committed, competent and compassionate. Nursing profession is dynamic, therefore nurses should keep on learning every day so that we dont remain stagnant but instead be at par with the dynamics of health care system. References Ahtisham, Y., Jacoline, S. (2015). Integrating Nursing Theory and Process into Practice; Virginia's Henderson Need Theory.International Journal of Caring Sciences,8(2). (pp.7-18) Alligood, M. R. (2014). Areas for further development of theory-based nursing practice.MR Alligood (Ed.), Nursing theory: Utilization application, 414-424. Broadbent, M. (2014). Nursing theories and conceptual frameworks. 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