Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Human Trafficking Throughout the U.S Essay - 1763 Words
The trafficking of human beings has evolved and become more universal and serious over the years. Trafficking of people is equivalent to modern day slavery. The duties and expectations of these people are outrageously irrational. The victims are forced to do unthinkable tasks for people they may or may not know. Anyone can be a leader or a victim of human trafficking. Victims of trafficking programs span from an extensive variety of women, children, and men ranging widely in age. There are two very diverse trafficking programs: sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Sex trafficking, the most common of the two trafficking programs, can also be referred to as sex slavery. The sex trafficking occurs when the unwilling are being forced to†¦show more content†¦II. What makes someone choose to be in the human trafficking business? In reality, not everyone has a pleasant family life. Unfortunately, some children are forced to grow up with drug-addicted parents who do not care if their child has clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads. More and more kids have to grow up with emotional vulnerability and â€Å"homelessness.†The children having to grow up with this kind of home life have not had the pampering of their mothers or the guidance of their fathers; this may cause them to be more likely to veer off on the wrong road or the trafficking business. Troubled offspring often look for the wrong kind of help. Approximately fifty-five per cent of children that become trafficked are runaways. The trafficking business is not bias to a particular race, ethnic, or socioeconomic group, children from poor or uncaring families appear to be at a high risk for trafficking (Corbett). There are also the chances of an unemployed teenager just looking for perceived job opportunities or what they think is â⠂¬Å"easy†money. III. What are the physical and mental consequences? There are many penalties for all involved in the trafficking business. The trafficker, or â€Å"pimp†, and the victims are going to face some long term mental issues. Children that have not yet hit puberty and have often been psychically and sexually abused will need distinctiveShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking in the Us1244 Words  | 5 PagesRough Draft: Human Trafficking and its Relationship throughout these United States A serious crime that virtually affects every country in the world is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-national criminal business that’s roots are tied into â€Å"trans-criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local gangs, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption†(Richard, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006.). 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