Writing a good reflection paper
The Natural Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Instruction on how to Write an Essay (Two Possible Career Choices)
In this task, understudies will dissect two potential profession decisions based on their personal preference, and afterward compose a formal systematic report adequately introducing a proposal to seek after one of the vocations. This task has two sections: Part one, the Table of Contents and Introductory Section, is expected toward the finish of week 6. Section two, the report completely, is expected toward the finish of week 8. Understudies are urged to start take a shot at this venture no later than week 5, perusing the undertaking headings, perusing Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time licenses, doing primer research.Formal Report Topic This task depends on you picking two potential vocation decisions you would prescribe to a representative, customer or expert contact. Here’s the circumstance: You are to pick two potential vocation decisions. Your report ought to incorporate the accompanying: Information and foundation about your two vocation decisions. Exploration from i n any event six dependable sources to advise your crowd and to help the recommendation(s) APA references for all investigated data (in-text incidental references and a reference list toward the finish of the report) Formal report formattingYou should direct outside examination and refer to your sources utilizing APA references. Finish up the conventional report by making proposals to your crowd. Your report MUST be organized as a formal report.Part One (Due Week 6) Table of Contents and Introduction Your task this week is to compose your formal report’s chapter by chapter guide and presentation, utilizing formal arranging. To finish this task, you should have a decent arrangement set up for your conventional report. I urge you to utilize the three-advance procedure we’ve been considering this meeting. (Theâ formal report is expected completely toward the finish of week 8. In week 6, just the list of chapters and presentation are due.)In week 6, your task ought to inco rporate the following:A list of chapters utilizing formal report organizing. (Note that page numbers are redundant this week, as you won't have composed the real report yet. Page numbers ought to be included one week from now, however, when you complete the report.) The list of chapters ought to incorporate first-and second-level headings, similar to the model on page 437 in section 15. Incorporate a basic area including the accompanying four sections (see page 439 in part 15 for an example.IntroductionPurpose, Scope, and Limitations Sources and Methods Report Organization Identify at any rate six solid sources you will use in your proposition in the â€Å"Sources and Methods†segment. Utilize formal report organizing. Be liberated from language structure, spelling, and accentuation errors.Part Two (Due Week 8) Formal Report in Full In week 6, you arranged the proper report and composed the Table of Contents and Introduction. In week 8, you will finish the conventional report . (You may need to amend the Table of Contents and Introduction, in light of the input you get from your educator.) In week 8, your task ought to contain the following:Be arranged as a conventional report, following the rules for formal reports in the content (counting the rules for headings and subheadings found on pages 435-448); Include fitting prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (The proper report ought to contain suitable prefatory, text, and supplemental parts, including the accompanying: a spread as well as cover sheet; a letter of transmittal; a chapter by chapter list; the four-section Introductory Section from week 6; fittingly marked body areas; and indeces, for example, the customer meeting and rundown of references. Your report does notâ need to contain these parts, however ought to contain the greater part of them.); Fully answer the subject of what vocation would you prescribe to a representative, customer or expert contact.The word mean the introduction, body, a nd end ought to be 1250-1750 words); Use at any rate six tenable investigated sources fittingly and viably; Include legitimate documentation utilizing APA style (both in-text and end-of-text citationsâ€please check your work utilizing turnitin.com); and Be liberated from spelling, language, and accentuation errors.Note: Visual guides are altogether proper for this sort of report, yet they are not required. On the off chance that you choose to utilize visual guides, be sure to stick to the gauges we have concentrated beforehand in this course.How the Formal Report Assignment is Graded The Formal Report Assignment will be reviewed by the models set out in the Rubrics for a considerable length of time 6 and 7/8, situated in Doc Sharing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Wonders of Planet Earth
‘The interminable pattern of progress which has made the essence of the Earth, with all its rough and Fascinating assortment as a rule happens too gradually to be in any way taken note. Yet, once in a while it is quick and Violent. Volcanoes vomit liquid magma, quakes tear open the scene, avalanches, divert Whole mountainsides. At that point individuals become mindful of the marvelous powers that are forming Their planet. These powers are fuelled by three ground-breaking wellsprings of vitality †heat from inside the Earth, heat from the Sun, and the power of gravity.Every landform on the planet has been molded by these ttu. ee vitality sources. ‘the landmasses that float over the outside of the globe, setting off volcanoes and seismic tremors and Building mountains. are driven by heat from the Earth's inside which has a temperature of about 5000†³C (9000'F). The majority of this warmth is made by the breakdown of radioactive components. Earth is exceptional amon g the planets of the Solar System in having fluid water on a superficial level and water has a significant job in forming the planet.The warmth of the Sun dissipates water from oceans and lakes. The fume rises and gathers to frame mists and afterward falls again as downpour and day off. It is then that its finishing powers start, enduring rocks and washing ceaselessly the free material. or on the other hand granulating down the scene under the intensity of an icy mass. The Sun's warmth additionally delivers the downpour and the waves that scour the land. The third power †gravity †causes the tides, which snack away at the edges of mainlands, and avalanches. hich change the state of mountains. Affected by gravity. downpour works its path downwards as streams and waterways, cutting the landscape. On its excursion, it conveys sections of rock and sand to be saved on the sea floor. Furthermore, more than a large number of years more stone which may then be locked and lifted in by development of the Earth's outside layer to frame new mountains. {source: Readers Digest, Discovering the Wonders of our World A manual for natures Sciences marvels]
Friday, August 21, 2020
Designing a Calculator with FSM Logic
Designing a Calculator with FSM Logic My friend Robert V. 20 is a Course 6-3 (Computer Science) sophomore, the MIT African Students Associations webmaster, and has TAd an interesting IAP class called 6.148, a web development class and competition. Hes a really smart guy, and I found out about this cool post he put up on Medium and asked if I could reformat it and post it to the blogs. Robert is passionate about web design and development, and is also really great at teaching. Hes always the first person that many of our Course 6 freshman friends reach out to for help in their introductory courses. Robert lives in Maseeh Hall, was born in Goma and grew up in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I hope you enjoy his post as much as I did! As far as I can tell, making a calculator is a classic first time programmer’s challenge. So, as I was helping some of my fellow underclassmen learn web dev, I suggested making a calculator! For best practice purposes, I also suggested starting off with brainstorming: First, we design how this calculator is going to work, Then, we can implement code for this, And finally, we can make it pretty As we were brainstorming, we naturally through that a coherent design logic for our calculator would be a finite state machine (FSM)! WAIT. What’s a Finite State Machine (FSM)? NOTE: If you’re familiar with FSMs, you can skip this section entirely. An FSM is a mathematical objects made of states, state transitions, and inputs. FSMs are widely used in computer science and engineering to model the behaviors of machines. At any given time, an FSM has one state and can receive inputs. Based on those inputs, the FSM can change both state (through state transitions) and interval variables of the FSM. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE: The state machine of the human body. A very simplified human body has 2 states: hungry and full. When humans are hungry, they need food in order to get back to being in the full state, and at the same time, they may become happy when they get food. Becoming happy in this case would be an internal variable of the state machine, and eating would be an input. Then, humans use all their energy (the other input) which makes them hungry again. They could become SAD too. So, inputs essentially lead to state change in a state machine. Here’s what this simple human body state machine would look like when graphically represented: Ok, let me show you another example! You’re about to see an FSM that you’re very familiar with but that was just never called an FSM: the state of matter. Right, isn’t that cool? We learn this in high school, but they never call it that way. Anyway, this state machine has 4 states: PLASMA, GAS, SOLID, LIQUID. There are transitions from states to states, which are inputs that are either caused by nature or by humans. Internal states of this state machines could be, for example, the boiling temperature of the given matter, the name of the given matter, etc. Why Are (Finite) State Machines Important? They provide us with a very systematic way of modelling anything that can happen in real life (such as state of matter). Based on state machines, we can easily use mathematics to derive both properties of those machines. State machines are widely used in probabilistic applications, such as modelling the motion of a robot looking for a reward located somewhere the robot does not know using Markov Random Process (which is also a subset of state machines). State machines also allow to naturally and easily expand our model (both through the design and through code). For example, in the human body, we could add another state, not full / not hungry, where the human person could be feeling meh. To add that, we simple create a new state and add some transitions to it. Of course, there are times when other models are better, but state machines work best for certain kinds of applications. Finally, if you’re more interested, here’s an article on embeddedrelated.com by Jason Sacks that goes over a lot more details that I did. If you find this interesting, you will love that article. Back to Calculators Later on, we decided to use the iPhone’s calculator to identify all the possible states in our calculator state machine simply by playing around doing multiple arithmetic computations. And… It quickly turned out to be much more complicated than I thought. Here’s some thought to not using a state machine: Designing a calculator without thinking about all the state machine’s logic is very simple. It works well for most operations, and noticing the imperfections in it can be subtle. However, there are operations that simply do not work well, such as 2 + 4 * 2, which in reality is 2 + (4 * 2) = 10 and can be erroneously evaluated as (2 + 4) * 2 = 12. Another way to design a calculator is one where the user can input expressions, such as 3 * 4, which can be easily evaluated with functions like eval. Not that I am not suggesting using eval (it’s know to be a bad practice); it’s just a quick solution that could help quickly get down to implementing all the UI for the calculator. However, nicely designing a calculator with a correct finite state machine is not that easy. Nevertheless, I decided to pursue this interesting challenge, and this is what I came up with: That looks quite complicated. Let me explain. Note: if you’d like to skip to the end, I posted JavaScript gist code snippet that implements this. The main idea behind a simple calculator is that we receive inputs, and based on those inputs, we make some operations, and if needed, we change the output display on the screen. Inputs may be: numbers (one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.. note that I included the . as a “numberâ€), operations (one of +,-,*,/), equality (i.e. =), or reset (could be C or AC on iPhone. One of them is clear which is same as clear entry and the other is clear all). Then, we can denote the inputs as follows: Operations are OP for +,-,*,/, OPS for +,-, and OPC for *,/. C for complex, S for simple. Equality is just =. Input numbers may be one of fk, sk, or tk. The k actually stands for the new input’s index for numbers such that a number is a sequence of digit characters f0,f1,f2,,fk-1, and the input makes the number become f0,f1,,fk. For example, in 123, f0=1, f1=2, f2=3 and k-1=2. The input f3=4 will change that number into 1234. The reset button is RES. This is like pressing AC or C on your iPhone’s calculator. Next, I designed the underlying structure of the calculator as blocks of the form: |---|-----|---|-----|---| | F | OP1 | S | OP2 | T | |---|-----|---|-----|---| F stands for “first†as in “first number†OP1 is the first operation S is stands for “second†as in “second number†OP2 is the second operation, and finally T stands for “trailing†as in “trailing numberâ€. By now, you can probably imagine that we’d be doing operations against the first and second number and against the second number against the trailing number, but how are the operations actually made, what do each of those blocks actually mean, and where does the result get stored? Let me explain all of it! The State Logic What we need is to identify all the possible states for this FSM. This is the difficult part. I learned here that this type of calculators try to make the most logical assumption while respecting the rules of mathematics, and it can be beautifully describes with only 7 states! Before diving into these 7 states, first, here’s what the state parameters in a state represent: F - the value of the first number OP1 - the operation between the first and second number S - the value of the second number OP2 - the operation between the second number and trailing number T - the value of the trailing number D - what is displayed on the screen; it can be one of F, S, and T The inputs that I listed above are what will lead to various state transitions. Now, onto the states: STATE 1: INITIAL State So, the initial state looks like: F: 0 OP1: + S: 0 OP2: + T: 0 D: F This is the state we start off with. There’s nothing interesting, and the values that we start with are just zeros and + operations. Pressing RES will take us back to the initial state: it essentially has no effect. YES, self loops are allowed in FSMs. Pressing any number, denoted by fk (which must be equal to f0 for this input coming from the INITIAL state) will take us to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. I will talk about that state next. The number is denoted with lowercase f because it will be filled into the first number F. Note that adding numbers into other blocks will then have to either be sk or tk for block S and block T respectively. Finally, pressing any operation OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Note that this will change OP1 to become OP, whatever OP may be among +,-,*,/. This state is upcoming as well. STATE 2: TRANSITION FROM INITIAL Let me point out that my naming convention here is a bit weird, but I tried my best to give these states meaningful names. Without further ado, this state looks like this: F: f0...fk-1 OP1: ~OP1 S: ~S OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Some things to note: I use the ~ notation to denote that the value of this key is whatever the given state key was before (not that it could be that the state key does not match state key, e.g.: S: ~F). Some later states will cause these values to change and not be + or 0 as in the initial state. So, anyway: Pressing RES will take us to TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state (i.e. back to here) if F is not equal to 0. It will clear F (i.e. set it to 0). Pressing RES will take us back to INITIAL state if F = 0. This means all parameters become what they used to be. i.e. F=0, OP1=+, S=0, D=F, OP2=+, T=0. I will show why this is important at the end. Pressing any number fk will take us back to this same state, TRANSITION FROM INITIAL and simply append fk to f0fk-1. Pressing the = sign will take us to the EQUAL state. Through this, it will make the evaluation (F) OP1 (S) and place the result in the F block when it reaches the equal state. Finally, pressing any operation OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Note that this will change OP1 to become OP, whatever OP may be among +,-,*,/. This will also duplicate F into S. STATE 3: TRANSITION If you go back to the visual, you will notice that this state is the most frequented state (i.e. has the most arrows coming into it). EQUAL is the second most frequented. Anyway, this state looks like: F: ~F OP1: OP S: ~F OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Note that to reach this state, one must press an operation OP; that is the value that OP1 takes! There’s also something funny that happens here: the value of F gets duplicated into S. This is an optimization that was made by the iPhone. It’s a design decision that did not have to happen but works very well. Let’s say you press 3 then *. Then, what happens if you press = ? Do you get a zero because you didn’t type the second number? With this design decision, you’d get a 9 because we assume that you meant 3 * 3. I think it’s cool that they thought of this! Then, pressing any OP leads us back to this state. It simply changes the operation to the new one. Pressing = evaluates (F) OP1 (S) and places the result in F. Then, it takes us to the EQUAL state. Note that when it takes us to the equal state, both OP and S and every other parameters of the state remain unchanged. This is also cool. Do you see why? Maybe it’ll be more obvious once we get into the EQUAL state. Pressing RES takes us back to TRANSITION FROM INITIAL. On the way to it, it removes all the values in F and replaces it with 0. All the other parameters remain unchanged. Finally, pressing another number sk takes us to the TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION state. As you can imagine, this changes the value of S. Note that as coming from TRANSITION, sk = s0 (the very first index of the second number regardless of what S currently is, it will overwrite it). STATE 4: TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION (That naming though… Sigh) This state is interesting. It looks like this: F: ~F OP1: ~OP1 S: s0...sk-1 OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: S You can probably note that the display has now changed from F to S. Now, we’re displaying the second number! Pressing sk takes us back to this same state, it just appends sk to S so that it now becomes s0sk. Pressing = takes us to the EQUAL state. Again, it will evaluate (F) OP1 (S) and place the result in F and also keep all other parameters unchanged. Pressing RES takes us back to TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION if S is not equal to 0. This will clear S and replaces it with 0. Pressing RES when S = 0 will take us back to INITIAL. This means that everything will get back to what it started off with. Finally, pressing OP is the interesting case. There is actually two possible cases here: If we press OPS, we evaluate the expression (F) OP1 (S) and place its result on F. It will also place that same result on S as well. This is because we’re doing a simple + or operation, so we can just evaluate the pression. OP1 will become OPS, whatever it may be. Then, it will take us back to the TRANSITION state. If we press OPC and OP1 = OPC, then we do the same as when we press OPS except it’s OPC. of course. Finally, if we press OPC, we will be taken to the TRAILING state if OP1 is OPS (i.e. if OP1 is one of + or ). In this state, OP2 becomes OPC (i.e. one of * or /) and OP1 is always an OPS. S remains what it was, which is s0sk-1, but T will now get the value of S. The display D and S remain unchanged. STATE 5: TRAILING Why do we have a trailing state? Imagine the expression 9+5*2, should it evaluate to 14*2=28 or should it evaluate to 9+10=19? If you care about Mathematics, you know that multiplication takes precedence. That is why we have both the TRAILING state and the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state! Note that in this state, OP1 is always OPS and OP2 is always OPC. The TRAILING state looks like: F: ~F OP1: ~OP1=OPC S: ~S OP2: OPC T: ~S D: S Pressing = takes us to the EQUAL state. The evaluation is different however. First, we evaluate (S) OP2 (T), place the result into S (note that we make this evaluation before moving to the equal state), then we evaluate (F) OP1 (S), which places the result into F (note that we make this evaluation after moving into the equal state). So, now, F is essentially (F) OP1 ((S) OP2 (T)). All other expressions remain unchanged. Pressing RES will take us to the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state. This will immediately set T = 0 and all parameters will remain unchanged. The display will become T. Someone pressing tk = t0 is essentially equivalent to pressing RES from the TRAILING state. Pressing OPC leads us back to the TRAILING state and simply change the OPC on OP2. Pressing OPS will run the same evaluation done with pressing =, i.e. it will place (F) OP1 ((S) OP2 (T)) into F but also on place it on S. OP1 will be OPS, whatever it may be, and the display will be F. Other keys will remain unchanged. Finally, pressing tk will take us to the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state. In this case (i.e. coming from TRAILING), tk = t0. The display also changes to D=T . STATE 6: TRANSITION FROM TRAILING This state looks like: F: ~F OP1: ~OPS S: ~S OP2: ~OPC T: t0...tk-1 D: T Pressing RES if T = 0 will take us back to INITIAL state. Everything will be cleared. However, if T is not equal to 0, pressing RES will just clear T (i.e. set it to 0) and remain in this state. Pressing tk will just append tk into the current value of T. Pressing = will evaluate the expression just as evaluated when pressing = during the TRAILING state, and it will take us to the EQUAL state. Pressing OPC will take us to the TRAILING state. This will evaluate (S) OP2 (T) and place the result in both S and T. Then, it will change OP2 to be the new input OPC . The display will change back to S. Pressing OPS will take us to the TRANSITION state. This will evaluate the expression similar to how it’s evaluated in the TRAILING state. STATE 7: EQUAL Whew! Finally, the EQUAL state. This state looks like: F: (F) OP1 (S) OP1: ~OP1 S: ~S OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Note that the display in the equal state is always F. Pressing = re-evaluates (F) OP1 (S) and places the result into F. Note that S will remain the same in this case. Pressing OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Then, it will make a copy of F and place it into S. Then, OP1 will be the newly received operation. Pressing fk will take us to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. In this case, fk = f0. Everything else will remain unchanged. Pressing RES will also take us back to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. However, it will delete F and replace it with 0. The Calculator (an example!) Parting Notes This is the calculator shown in the video above. It’s a really nice state machine that works well for these simple operations, and the design is great because it can be easily expanded to more complicated operations such as sin or floor. I wanted to point out that I didn’t really talk about how we are appending to the numbers. In case fk (or equivalently sk and tk ) is . , we only append when there is no . in the number. For example, pressing . when F=243 will make F=243. . However, pressing . when F=23.5 will have no effects! Also, pressing any number other than 0 when F=0 needs to change F into that number (equivalently for S and T). This is definitely not crazy difficult, but I’d say it’s more complicated that it looks, and it’s been a rewarding exercise to actually design this calculator. Here’s code that I wrote that does this in JavaScript (which is meant to be used for a calculator website) Or, check it out on Github. Thanks for reading! Post Tagged #6.148
Designing a Calculator with FSM Logic
Designing a Calculator with FSM Logic My friend Robert V. 20 is a Course 6-3 (Computer Science) sophomore, the MIT African Students Associations webmaster, and has TAd an interesting IAP class called 6.148, a web development class and competition. Hes a really smart guy, and I found out about this cool post he put up on Medium and asked if I could reformat it and post it to the blogs. Robert is passionate about web design and development, and is also really great at teaching. Hes always the first person that many of our Course 6 freshman friends reach out to for help in their introductory courses. Robert lives in Maseeh Hall, was born in Goma and grew up in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I hope you enjoy his post as much as I did! As far as I can tell, making a calculator is a classic first time programmer’s challenge. So, as I was helping some of my fellow underclassmen learn web dev, I suggested making a calculator! For best practice purposes, I also suggested starting off with brainstorming: First, we design how this calculator is going to work, Then, we can implement code for this, And finally, we can make it pretty As we were brainstorming, we naturally through that a coherent design logic for our calculator would be a finite state machine (FSM)! WAIT. What’s a Finite State Machine (FSM)? NOTE: If you’re familiar with FSMs, you can skip this section entirely. An FSM is a mathematical objects made of states, state transitions, and inputs. FSMs are widely used in computer science and engineering to model the behaviors of machines. At any given time, an FSM has one state and can receive inputs. Based on those inputs, the FSM can change both state (through state transitions) and interval variables of the FSM. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE: The state machine of the human body. A very simplified human body has 2 states: hungry and full. When humans are hungry, they need food in order to get back to being in the full state, and at the same time, they may become happy when they get food. Becoming happy in this case would be an internal variable of the state machine, and eating would be an input. Then, humans use all their energy (the other input) which makes them hungry again. They could become SAD too. So, inputs essentially lead to state change in a state machine. Here’s what this simple human body state machine would look like when graphically represented: Ok, let me show you another example! You’re about to see an FSM that you’re very familiar with but that was just never called an FSM: the state of matter. Right, isn’t that cool? We learn this in high school, but they never call it that way. Anyway, this state machine has 4 states: PLASMA, GAS, SOLID, LIQUID. There are transitions from states to states, which are inputs that are either caused by nature or by humans. Internal states of this state machines could be, for example, the boiling temperature of the given matter, the name of the given matter, etc. Why Are (Finite) State Machines Important? They provide us with a very systematic way of modelling anything that can happen in real life (such as state of matter). Based on state machines, we can easily use mathematics to derive both properties of those machines. State machines are widely used in probabilistic applications, such as modelling the motion of a robot looking for a reward located somewhere the robot does not know using Markov Random Process (which is also a subset of state machines). State machines also allow to naturally and easily expand our model (both through the design and through code). For example, in the human body, we could add another state, not full / not hungry, where the human person could be feeling meh. To add that, we simple create a new state and add some transitions to it. Of course, there are times when other models are better, but state machines work best for certain kinds of applications. Finally, if you’re more interested, here’s an article on embeddedrelated.com by Jason Sacks that goes over a lot more details that I did. If you find this interesting, you will love that article. Back to Calculators Later on, we decided to use the iPhone’s calculator to identify all the possible states in our calculator state machine simply by playing around doing multiple arithmetic computations. And… It quickly turned out to be much more complicated than I thought. Here’s some thought to not using a state machine: Designing a calculator without thinking about all the state machine’s logic is very simple. It works well for most operations, and noticing the imperfections in it can be subtle. However, there are operations that simply do not work well, such as 2 + 4 * 2, which in reality is 2 + (4 * 2) = 10 and can be erroneously evaluated as (2 + 4) * 2 = 12. Another way to design a calculator is one where the user can input expressions, such as 3 * 4, which can be easily evaluated with functions like eval. Not that I am not suggesting using eval (it’s know to be a bad practice); it’s just a quick solution that could help quickly get down to implementing all the UI for the calculator. However, nicely designing a calculator with a correct finite state machine is not that easy. Nevertheless, I decided to pursue this interesting challenge, and this is what I came up with: That looks quite complicated. Let me explain. Note: if you’d like to skip to the end, I posted JavaScript gist code snippet that implements this. The main idea behind a simple calculator is that we receive inputs, and based on those inputs, we make some operations, and if needed, we change the output display on the screen. Inputs may be: numbers (one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.. note that I included the . as a “numberâ€), operations (one of +,-,*,/), equality (i.e. =), or reset (could be C or AC on iPhone. One of them is clear which is same as clear entry and the other is clear all). Then, we can denote the inputs as follows: Operations are OP for +,-,*,/, OPS for +,-, and OPC for *,/. C for complex, S for simple. Equality is just =. Input numbers may be one of fk, sk, or tk. The k actually stands for the new input’s index for numbers such that a number is a sequence of digit characters f0,f1,f2,,fk-1, and the input makes the number become f0,f1,,fk. For example, in 123, f0=1, f1=2, f2=3 and k-1=2. The input f3=4 will change that number into 1234. The reset button is RES. This is like pressing AC or C on your iPhone’s calculator. Next, I designed the underlying structure of the calculator as blocks of the form: |---|-----|---|-----|---| | F | OP1 | S | OP2 | T | |---|-----|---|-----|---| F stands for “first†as in “first number†OP1 is the first operation S is stands for “second†as in “second number†OP2 is the second operation, and finally T stands for “trailing†as in “trailing numberâ€. By now, you can probably imagine that we’d be doing operations against the first and second number and against the second number against the trailing number, but how are the operations actually made, what do each of those blocks actually mean, and where does the result get stored? Let me explain all of it! The State Logic What we need is to identify all the possible states for this FSM. This is the difficult part. I learned here that this type of calculators try to make the most logical assumption while respecting the rules of mathematics, and it can be beautifully describes with only 7 states! Before diving into these 7 states, first, here’s what the state parameters in a state represent: F - the value of the first number OP1 - the operation between the first and second number S - the value of the second number OP2 - the operation between the second number and trailing number T - the value of the trailing number D - what is displayed on the screen; it can be one of F, S, and T The inputs that I listed above are what will lead to various state transitions. Now, onto the states: STATE 1: INITIAL State So, the initial state looks like: F: 0 OP1: + S: 0 OP2: + T: 0 D: F This is the state we start off with. There’s nothing interesting, and the values that we start with are just zeros and + operations. Pressing RES will take us back to the initial state: it essentially has no effect. YES, self loops are allowed in FSMs. Pressing any number, denoted by fk (which must be equal to f0 for this input coming from the INITIAL state) will take us to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. I will talk about that state next. The number is denoted with lowercase f because it will be filled into the first number F. Note that adding numbers into other blocks will then have to either be sk or tk for block S and block T respectively. Finally, pressing any operation OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Note that this will change OP1 to become OP, whatever OP may be among +,-,*,/. This state is upcoming as well. STATE 2: TRANSITION FROM INITIAL Let me point out that my naming convention here is a bit weird, but I tried my best to give these states meaningful names. Without further ado, this state looks like this: F: f0...fk-1 OP1: ~OP1 S: ~S OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Some things to note: I use the ~ notation to denote that the value of this key is whatever the given state key was before (not that it could be that the state key does not match state key, e.g.: S: ~F). Some later states will cause these values to change and not be + or 0 as in the initial state. So, anyway: Pressing RES will take us to TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state (i.e. back to here) if F is not equal to 0. It will clear F (i.e. set it to 0). Pressing RES will take us back to INITIAL state if F = 0. This means all parameters become what they used to be. i.e. F=0, OP1=+, S=0, D=F, OP2=+, T=0. I will show why this is important at the end. Pressing any number fk will take us back to this same state, TRANSITION FROM INITIAL and simply append fk to f0fk-1. Pressing the = sign will take us to the EQUAL state. Through this, it will make the evaluation (F) OP1 (S) and place the result in the F block when it reaches the equal state. Finally, pressing any operation OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Note that this will change OP1 to become OP, whatever OP may be among +,-,*,/. This will also duplicate F into S. STATE 3: TRANSITION If you go back to the visual, you will notice that this state is the most frequented state (i.e. has the most arrows coming into it). EQUAL is the second most frequented. Anyway, this state looks like: F: ~F OP1: OP S: ~F OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Note that to reach this state, one must press an operation OP; that is the value that OP1 takes! There’s also something funny that happens here: the value of F gets duplicated into S. This is an optimization that was made by the iPhone. It’s a design decision that did not have to happen but works very well. Let’s say you press 3 then *. Then, what happens if you press = ? Do you get a zero because you didn’t type the second number? With this design decision, you’d get a 9 because we assume that you meant 3 * 3. I think it’s cool that they thought of this! Then, pressing any OP leads us back to this state. It simply changes the operation to the new one. Pressing = evaluates (F) OP1 (S) and places the result in F. Then, it takes us to the EQUAL state. Note that when it takes us to the equal state, both OP and S and every other parameters of the state remain unchanged. This is also cool. Do you see why? Maybe it’ll be more obvious once we get into the EQUAL state. Pressing RES takes us back to TRANSITION FROM INITIAL. On the way to it, it removes all the values in F and replaces it with 0. All the other parameters remain unchanged. Finally, pressing another number sk takes us to the TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION state. As you can imagine, this changes the value of S. Note that as coming from TRANSITION, sk = s0 (the very first index of the second number regardless of what S currently is, it will overwrite it). STATE 4: TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION (That naming though… Sigh) This state is interesting. It looks like this: F: ~F OP1: ~OP1 S: s0...sk-1 OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: S You can probably note that the display has now changed from F to S. Now, we’re displaying the second number! Pressing sk takes us back to this same state, it just appends sk to S so that it now becomes s0sk. Pressing = takes us to the EQUAL state. Again, it will evaluate (F) OP1 (S) and place the result in F and also keep all other parameters unchanged. Pressing RES takes us back to TRANSITION FROM TRANSITION if S is not equal to 0. This will clear S and replaces it with 0. Pressing RES when S = 0 will take us back to INITIAL. This means that everything will get back to what it started off with. Finally, pressing OP is the interesting case. There is actually two possible cases here: If we press OPS, we evaluate the expression (F) OP1 (S) and place its result on F. It will also place that same result on S as well. This is because we’re doing a simple + or operation, so we can just evaluate the pression. OP1 will become OPS, whatever it may be. Then, it will take us back to the TRANSITION state. If we press OPC and OP1 = OPC, then we do the same as when we press OPS except it’s OPC. of course. Finally, if we press OPC, we will be taken to the TRAILING state if OP1 is OPS (i.e. if OP1 is one of + or ). In this state, OP2 becomes OPC (i.e. one of * or /) and OP1 is always an OPS. S remains what it was, which is s0sk-1, but T will now get the value of S. The display D and S remain unchanged. STATE 5: TRAILING Why do we have a trailing state? Imagine the expression 9+5*2, should it evaluate to 14*2=28 or should it evaluate to 9+10=19? If you care about Mathematics, you know that multiplication takes precedence. That is why we have both the TRAILING state and the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state! Note that in this state, OP1 is always OPS and OP2 is always OPC. The TRAILING state looks like: F: ~F OP1: ~OP1=OPC S: ~S OP2: OPC T: ~S D: S Pressing = takes us to the EQUAL state. The evaluation is different however. First, we evaluate (S) OP2 (T), place the result into S (note that we make this evaluation before moving to the equal state), then we evaluate (F) OP1 (S), which places the result into F (note that we make this evaluation after moving into the equal state). So, now, F is essentially (F) OP1 ((S) OP2 (T)). All other expressions remain unchanged. Pressing RES will take us to the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state. This will immediately set T = 0 and all parameters will remain unchanged. The display will become T. Someone pressing tk = t0 is essentially equivalent to pressing RES from the TRAILING state. Pressing OPC leads us back to the TRAILING state and simply change the OPC on OP2. Pressing OPS will run the same evaluation done with pressing =, i.e. it will place (F) OP1 ((S) OP2 (T)) into F but also on place it on S. OP1 will be OPS, whatever it may be, and the display will be F. Other keys will remain unchanged. Finally, pressing tk will take us to the TRANSITION FROM TRAILING state. In this case (i.e. coming from TRAILING), tk = t0. The display also changes to D=T . STATE 6: TRANSITION FROM TRAILING This state looks like: F: ~F OP1: ~OPS S: ~S OP2: ~OPC T: t0...tk-1 D: T Pressing RES if T = 0 will take us back to INITIAL state. Everything will be cleared. However, if T is not equal to 0, pressing RES will just clear T (i.e. set it to 0) and remain in this state. Pressing tk will just append tk into the current value of T. Pressing = will evaluate the expression just as evaluated when pressing = during the TRAILING state, and it will take us to the EQUAL state. Pressing OPC will take us to the TRAILING state. This will evaluate (S) OP2 (T) and place the result in both S and T. Then, it will change OP2 to be the new input OPC . The display will change back to S. Pressing OPS will take us to the TRANSITION state. This will evaluate the expression similar to how it’s evaluated in the TRAILING state. STATE 7: EQUAL Whew! Finally, the EQUAL state. This state looks like: F: (F) OP1 (S) OP1: ~OP1 S: ~S OP2: ~OP2 T: ~T D: F Note that the display in the equal state is always F. Pressing = re-evaluates (F) OP1 (S) and places the result into F. Note that S will remain the same in this case. Pressing OP will take us to the TRANSITION state. Then, it will make a copy of F and place it into S. Then, OP1 will be the newly received operation. Pressing fk will take us to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. In this case, fk = f0. Everything else will remain unchanged. Pressing RES will also take us back to the TRANSITION FROM INITIAL state. However, it will delete F and replace it with 0. The Calculator (an example!) Parting Notes This is the calculator shown in the video above. It’s a really nice state machine that works well for these simple operations, and the design is great because it can be easily expanded to more complicated operations such as sin or floor. I wanted to point out that I didn’t really talk about how we are appending to the numbers. In case fk (or equivalently sk and tk ) is . , we only append when there is no . in the number. For example, pressing . when F=243 will make F=243. . However, pressing . when F=23.5 will have no effects! Also, pressing any number other than 0 when F=0 needs to change F into that number (equivalently for S and T). This is definitely not crazy difficult, but I’d say it’s more complicated that it looks, and it’s been a rewarding exercise to actually design this calculator. Here’s code that I wrote that does this in JavaScript (which is meant to be used for a calculator website) Or, check it out on Github. Thanks for reading! Post Tagged #6.148
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Leadership Styles Charismatic, Transformational And...
Hiring a Successful Manager There are several types of leadership styles: charismatic, transformational and authentic leadership. Therefore, it is important to not only know and understand them, but to confirm which one will best fit the organization. Once confirmed, I will be able to know what type of leaders I would want to lead the department. Below are 5 questions that will be asked during the interviews: 1. Why are you open to new opportunities and why were you interested in this position? 2. Can you review your leadership experience throughout your career? What responsibilities did you have and what was the size of your team? 3. Can you provide me a scenario of an escalation with one of your employee and how did you come to a resolution? 4. How did you keep your team motivated? Did you create some incentive programs? 5. If I were to ask a former team member of yours, how will they describe your organizational skills? These questions will help me in determining if my candidates have the following attributes: loyalty, organizational skills, and follow-through attitude, optimistic. However, in order to hire a successful candidate, the company must build a hiring plan that should be used a guide to hiring managers. Below are 10 best practices that can be applied to be hiring process. Best Practices to the Hiring Process As federal and states laws change, the hiring process become a bit more complex. Companies need be up to date with the current laws and regulations whenShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles From The Television1395 Words  | 6 Pagesbook, will be identified. Leadership theories will be used to evaluate my selected leader to determine what characteristics and leadership abilities helped this leader become successful. I will also include an evaluation of my own leadership style and identify what my individual leadership characteristics are. 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It is the responsibility of an advance practice nurse to take on a leadership role and findingRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Involving Many Co Operations And It Is Trust3182 Words  | 13 Pagessubordinates to perform in the organization however without the employees trusting the leader to be ethical and a good decision maker especially concerning their well being, this could prove to be a futile task. Many people wonder what exactly ethical leadership? (Wright and Quick, 2011) explain that it stems from an individual’s character; there are classic opinions that both religion and philosophies play a major role in the formation of personality. They attribute the make up of the character to be
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Mcdonalds vs Burger King - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1177 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? For years, McDonald’s and Burger King (BK) have been the world’s two largest and most successful fast food chains. Both have battled out all these years over their operational differences which form the core of their corporate culture. The â€Å"Doing It All For You†(McDonald’s) vs. â€Å"Having It Your Way†(BK’s) stems from their respective production methods. McDonald’s â€Å"Made to Stock†vs. BK’s â€Å"Made to Order†also originate from the differences in their respective processes. Exhibits 1 and 2 show the Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) of McDonald’s and BK respectively. Exhibit 3 provides a detailed comparative analysis of the PFDs of these two fast food chains. The main operational difference between McDonald’s and BK is that McDonald’s cooks their hamburgers on grills using a â€Å"batch process†(a batch of upto 12 patties/grill) with human intervention to turn, sear, and pull. BK uses the machine based – Continuous Chain Broiler assembly process (8 burgers/meat chain) for the production of their burgers – similar to an assembly line in a manufacturing process thus, requiring no human intervention. For a â€Å"made to stock†process, it requires burgers in bulk and hence the batch process in McDonald’s. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mcdonalds vs Burger King" essay for you Create order Whereas, for a â€Å"made to order†process, it requires an assembly chain process where meat patties are placed at one end and after 80 seconds they come out the other end, cooked – one by one. Also, since BK harps on â€Å"make to order†process, it requires a semi-finished inventory – Steam Table in which mated buns and patties sit for 10 minutes and then discarded. In McDonald’s â€Å"continuous process†there is no such inventory and all the buns and patties are mated during the assembly process following the dressing. It should be noted that mating of the buns and patties before the assembly process in BK is a result of BK’s variety of menu. Whoppers and Burgers both are of different sizes and hence the mating before assembly process. McDonald’s menu â€Å"Less product more often†offers standardized burgers. This cost of complexity is a huge cost driver for BK. The â€Å"dressing process†of McDonald’s is standardized with lever based dispensers and portion controlled condiments. In BK, dressing is done by humans using plastic squeezed bottles without pre-measured quantity. This is where McDonald’s is ahead of BK as can be seen from the statements – BK spends 1. 1% of their sales in condiments (wastage). Exhibit 4 provides a comparative analysis of the operating results of both chains. Also, absence of pre-determined quantity of sauces/condiments causes variation and can affect taste and quality. Due to their â€Å"made to order†philosophy, BK uses microwave ovens to produce warm and fresh burgers. The high costs incurred by BK in â€Å"utilities†(2% more than McDonald’s) is a direct result of both a machine based cooking process and use of microwave ovens. Finally, once the burgers are ready – McDonald’s keeps them in â€Å"bin†– a finished goods inventory – a result of their â€Å"made to stock†concept. The burgers sit in the bin for 10 minutes before being discarded which produces waste costs for McDonald’s. As a result, the cost of â€Å"food†for McDonald’s is roughly 1. 5% higher. Paper is also wasted (wrapped sandwiches) due to the food wastage. Statistics show that McDonald’s spends 1 cent/revenue dollar on paper costs – a $15 million dollar systemwide savings for BK. BK manages its inventory efficiently, partly because of its â€Å"made to order†process. During slow periods, BK strictly follows â€Å"made to order†compared to McDonald’s minimum inventory. Also, whereas McDonald maintains a paper inventory at the basement, BK stores its paperware in shelves in the production area. This adds to McDonald’s rent costs (1% higher than BK). Moreover, BK calls for local supplies of milk/buns 3-4 times a week indicating fewer inventories compared to once a week by McDonald’s. The operational difference also reflects on the corporate culture. Batch Process requires that workers maintain a sense of teamwork, especially during busy periods. Speed becomes a key element and it requires the workers to be motivated and willing to help. At BK where the broiler paces the process (one burger comes out at 8/minute), there is not much teamwork required. Hence, McDonald’s gives better motivational and non-salary rewards. McDonald’s also spends around 2. % higher than BK on the salaries of their workers which include incentives. A major similarity between the two corporations is their effort to deskill the process (minimize human intervention). McDonald’s deskill at assembly process (automated dispensers) whereas BK aims at deskilling at the cooking phase by machine based broiler. Both are extremely customer centric which can be gauged from their tag lines – â€Å"Doing it all for you†vs. â€Å"Having it your way†. The other processes – hiring, counter, drive-through, and fry products (fries, etc) are also mostly similar barring few exceptions. At McDonald’s, the counter specialist takes payment after assembling the order. In BK, the counter specialist takes the payment and then starts assembling the order. The information flow is also different. BK counter specialists use microphones to relay the order in the production area (a potential error producing process during busy periods) and register slips to assemble orders. McDonald’s have display monitors to assemble orders. During busy periods, a dedicated individual at bin relays the demand to the grill workers at McDonald’s. At BK, a level indicator at the top of chutes operated by the manager relays the demand requirement to the production area. During peak periods, McDonald’s batch process allows for much greater throughput and faster speed of service. Though both McDonald’s and BK meet the hourly peak demand for Friday noon based on the case facts (Exhibits 5 and 6), there is significant operational difference in their approach to peak demand. McDonald’s philosophy of â€Å"keep more in the bin than make customer wait†is at the heart of its peak demand operations. During busy periods, McDonald’s appoint additional â€Å"backers†or â€Å"expeditors†both in the production area and service area including a dedicated worker at the bin to maintain uninterrupted flow of supply. They also employ â€Å"on the turn†technique to allow for burgers at different stages of cooking. BK prefers to open extra cash registers than using an â€Å"expeditor†in the service area. In the production area, BK workers use microwave time of 12 s to work on other sandwiches. Hence, McDonald’s is systemically better equipped to handle busy periods whereas the assembly process is a huge bottleneck for BK. 60 burgers/hr vs. 200 burgers/hr and a target TAT of 90 s for McDonald’s vs. 3 min door-to-door for BK accounts for at least some of the tremendous difference between the annual sales of both chains at Hillybourne. ($1. 1 million for McDonald’s vs. $700,000 for BK). It is only during off-peak periods when BK comes close in dollar volume and is more efficient because of less waste, paper, and salary expense. Hence, it is safe to say that most of the operational differences at the heart of the two chains stem from their methods of production.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Challenges of Transracial Adoption Essay - 2059 Words
To the thousands of children in foster care, adoption means being part of a family. Adoption signifies a chance to be loved, wanted, and cared for properly. Every year thousands of children enter the foster care system. In the year 2010 alone, 245,375 children entered foster care, of that number over 61,000 were black. An astounding 30,812 black children were waiting for adoption in 2010 (AFCARS). With so many children needing homes, it would seem their adoption would be open to any and all loving families, yet this is not the necessarily the case. Transracial adoption, which traditionally alludes to black children placed with white families, is riddled with difficulties. While transracial adoption can be a successful solution, many†¦show more content†¦Regardless of laws, some groups still openly oppose the practice of transracial adoption. The National Black Association of Black Social Workers have gone as far as to call transracial adoption â€Å"cultural genocide†as stated in their 1972 announcement (McManus). In that statement the president of the NABSW publically declared the following: We are opposed to transracial adoption as a solution to permanent placement for black children. We have an ethic, moral, and professional obligation to oppose transracial adoption. We are therefore legally justified in our efforts to protect the rights of black children, black families, and the black community. It is a blatant form of racial and cultural genocide. (McManus) In 1994 the NABSW restated their position with the statement, â€Å"Transracial adoption should only be considered after documented evidence of unsuccessful same-race placements have been reviewed and supported by appropriate representatives of the African-American community (McManus). The intense opposition of transracial adoption is evidenced in a multitude of different ways. During the initial phase of the adoption process prospective parents are discouraged from proceeding b y the intake worker. They are constantly bombarded with the alleged difficulties involved in transracial adoptions and questioned about their motives for adopting (Adoption 85). Parents are accused ofShow MoreRelatedAdoption Is A Non Genetic919 Words  | 4 Pagescan ever erase that relationship, because it is genetic. Union is a non-genetic, heartwarming, relationship, such as adoption. There are many reasons people feel the want or need to adopt. Infertility is one of the many reasons. People have reported that, when asked what they felt when they could not have children, they felt useless, disappointed and even heartsick. Adoption is an option to couples who cannot have children or would prefer to adopt. 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